Shrink Plastic Underwear Planner Charms

| Original: November 27, 2017

Have you ever passed by the underwear section and noticed these days of the week underwear with Monday to Sunday written on them? T.M.I. Alert: I actually have a couple sets of these undies myself!

I love them because they're so much fun! I always try to wear the correct date, but let's face it, some days it's just too much effort. This then leads to those awkward moments like when your OBGYN reads your underwear, and it has the wrong day of the week on it. Wait. What? I mean, um... Nevermind. That never happened.

Cell phone charms used to be all the rage, but they seem to have disappeared. Nowadays, people seem to love decorating their agendas/planners. I thought that these Monday to Sunday Underwear planner charms would be perfect for planner addicts like myself.

Shrink Plastic (Shrinky Dink) Underwear Planner Charms

These charms are created using shrink plastic (AKA. Shrinky Dinks). I never played with shrink plastic when I was young, but I remember seeing commercials for them on TV. Who would have thought I would end up playing with them as an adult!

When I started looking into it, I came across many different types of shrink plastic. There were inkjet printable ones, regular clear ones, bright white, frosted, etc.

The inkjet printable ones would have been the most ideal, but they were also the most expensive. I was really trying to figure out a way to save some money, so I did some research and decided to give the frosted ones a try (AKA. Shrinky Dinks Ruff n' Ready).

When I was doing my research, not many people have created tutorials on how to print on regular shrink plastic, so I thought maybe I would share what I have done. Keep in mind that there is some preparation work to be done when using the frosted shrink plastic.

What You Need / Materials:

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1. Clean your shrink-plastic sheet

First off, we need to clean the frosted shrink plastic. I work at the hospital, so I have a small collection of alcohol swabs because I often bring them home in my scrubs. Using an alcohol swab, clean the surface of the frosted side. This will clean off any dust/residue from the sanded rough side of the sheet. Wait for it to dry completely.

2. Print on your shrink plastic

The Shrinky Dink plastic sheets I bought are 8" x 10", so they're not letter-size. Adjust the settings on your printer as needed. Then, feed it through your printer, making sure that you will be printing on the sanded side of the shrink plastic, and hit print.

Get your FREE Monday to Sunday Underwear Planner Charms printable here:

If you're wondering why the printables are so light in color is because once baked, the colors will become darker. If you are using blank underwear printables, it is recommended that you use coloring pencils for the best results.

3. Wait for it to dry completely

Remember to wait for your freshly printed shrink plastic sheet to dry before touching it because it will smudge if it's not dried.

4. Cut it out

Cut out your design, and hole-punch them if you are planning on making charms out of them. I only had a mini heart-shaped hole puncher handy, so that's what I used. It ended up creating these tiny little heart-shaped holes on my underwear charms making them even cuter than it already was.

5. Bake it

Bake it according to the instructions and watch it shrivel up. If baked properly, they will flatten out again once it's ready. It typically takes less than 30 seconds. If it's not completely flat as you desire, press on it lightly with a spatula to flatten it out. Don't overbake it, because it *will* melt or warp.

6. Assemble your charm

Wait for it to cool after baking. Using your chain and jump rings, put together your planner charm and show it off to your friends.

Shrink Plastic (Shrinky Dink) Underwear Planner Charms

Shrink Plastic (Shrinky Dink) Underwear Planner Charms

Shrink Plastic (Shrinky Dink) Underwear Planner Charms

Just for fun, I decided to create "Today" underwear. If this was real, this one could be worn on days you're doing the laundry. Then you won't have to worry about wearing the wrong day of the week.

And then just for the kicks of it, here's the "his" to the "her" version of the Monday to Sunday underwear so you can share it with your beau.

Shrink Plastic (Shrinky Dink) Underwear Planner Charms

Shrink Plastic (Shrinky Dink) Underwear Planner Charms

Did you make your own Monday to Sunday Underwear Planner Charms? I'd love to see it! Share it with me on Instagram and/or use the #onceuponacheerio hashtag.

Shrink Plastic (Shrinky Dink) Underwear Planner Charms

This is an original design by Juli Anne of Once Upon a Cheerio. These printables are for personal use only, please DO NOT sell or distribute them. Please DO NOT claim these printables as your own. Thank you for understanding!


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