Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

| Original: January 10, 2020

In the arts and crafts world, there are so many talented artists. However, as we all know, it's difficult to make a living as an artist.

I've been fascinated by the creativity of how some artists can turn their love and passion into something that can help not only to support their hobbies but into their careers.

Enamel pin collecting and trading are not new, but it felt like it has exploded in the last decade into something bigger than it used to be. Just think of those people who collect Disney pins and trade them within the theme parks with their cast members.

People collect enamel pins for all different reasons. You probably own some just because they're cute! Other people collect and display them as a way of making a statement.

If you want to show your passion for crocheting, knitting, or simply for the love of yarn, consider these amazing enamel pins that I've found!

Remember to like Once Upon a Cheerio on Facebook. I'd also love it if you followed @onceuponacheerio on Instagram!

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Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

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Team Crochet/Team Knit

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

Are you Team Crochet? Or Team Knit? You could be both as well! I want to learn knitting so badly, but I haven't gotten the time or the opportunity to try it out.

Heck, I still have a set of Tunisian crochet hooks at home that I haven't even opened up yet! It's on my infinite list of things to do. I don't know when I'll ever get to it, but in the meantime, you can get your badge of honor here now!

Get your Team Crochet enamel pin here.
Get your Team Knit enamel pin here.

Granny Square Love

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

Funny enough, in my 6 years of experience in crocheting, I have yet to make a granny square. I'm just not sure what I would do with it. But of course, if you cannot live without your granny squares, make sure you show them some love.

Get your Granny Square Love pin here.

Crochet Magic Circle

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

Oh, the crochet magic circle, how I love thee. Surprisingly, It's not a technique known to all crocheters, but if you've ever made amigurumi, you've for sure used this method. It's time we honor this magical crochet technique with a statement pin!

Get your Blue Magic Circle enamel pin here.
Get your Pink Magic Circle enamel pin here.

Yarn Life

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

Yarn life is the only life I want to live sometimes. If you can relate to this, you know this pin is for you!

Get your Yarn is Life enamel pin here.

Rainy Days are Meant for Knitting

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

Rainy days are also meant for crocheting, but sadly, they don't have a pin for that. It's still cute though, nonetheless! Especially those little stitches that look like hearts!

Get your Rainy Days Are Meant for Knitting enamel pin here.

Row Counter

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

This one is just a really beautiful pin that could be used for yarn lovers of all crafts. Not only is it gorgeous, but it's extremely practical too! It doubles as a row counter and is super handy for keeping track of your progress.

Get your Just One More Counter enamel pin here.

One Stitch at a Time Hourglass

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

It's not about how fast you can finish a project. Sometimes, we just need a reminder to slow down and enjoy the process. I love how crochet allows me to do that - one stitch at a time.

Get your One Stitch at a Time enamel pin here.

Warm & Fuzzy Mittens

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

These are some really cute mitten enamel pins. I particularly love how there's a chain that connects your left and right mittens together. Oh, and these enamel pins also come in the form of stitch markers!

Get your Warm and Fuzzy Mittens enamel pin here.

Granny at Heart

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

I've been called a granny many times by my friends/family in the past when I just want to stay at home and crochet all day. Sometimes, we just need that bit of me-time.

Get your Granny at Heart enamel pin here.

Just One More

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

When do you not hear this line? No matter if it's candy, coffee, tea, yarn, stitch, rows, etc. We sometimes just want to indulge in what we love to do/eat/drink.

Get your Just One More Spinner enamel pin here.

Yarn On Board

Gift Guide: Enamel Pins for Yarn Lovers

How cute is this one? I can just imagine myself putting this on my project bag and carrying that around! WARNING: Yarn on Board!

Get your Yarn on Board enamel pin here.


MV Grow
