Fiber Artist's Christmas Holiday Wish List

| Original: November 18, 2021

There's only one more month until Christmas. I sure hope you started on your Christmas shopping. But even if you have, I'm sure that there's always that one person on your list you have no idea what to get. Why are they SO HARD to shop for?

I know who you're talking about -- it's the person who DIYs everything and wants to make it themselves!

Last year, I wrote about some of my favorite Etsy finds that crafters and yarn addicts like myself would adore. So I thought I would share another list of Etsy finds this year for some holiday gift ideas for the crafter in your life!

Make sure to check out Etsy's Holiday Shop for more ideas!

Remember to like Once Upon a Cheerio on Facebook. I'd also love it if you followed @onceuponacheerio on Instagram!

Most of these items can be purchased through our affiliate links. Purchasing items through these links will not cost you any extra money. Please see our disclosure policy for more details.

Cat Stitch Markers

Crafters' Wish List: Cat Stitch Marker

Now I've never really been a cat person. At least I didn't think so until my kids started playing with stuffed toy kittens.

We don't have any pets right now, but if we do decide to bring a pet into this home one day, I'd likely consider a cat.

When I saw these cat stitch markers, I thought that they were irresistibly cute! It looks like they're just hanging off your WIP. You can find them here.

Bamboo Crochet Hook Necklace

Crafters' Wish List: Bamboo Crochet Hook Necklace

Here's a piece of jewelry aimed at a crochet lover. It's modern and sleek, like those bar necklaces but also has that natural kind of feel to it as well.

This necklace was made with a real bamboo crochet hook and it's definitely a unique conversation starter. Purchase it here.

Crochet Hook Ring 

Crafters' Wish List: Crochet Hook Ring

Similar to the bamboo crochet hook necklace, this one is also another one of those unique, statement pieces of jewelry.

The only thing that I would be concerned about is my clothes snagging on the ring, but otherwise, I think it's beautiful! Purchase it here.

"Home is Where The Yarn Is" Bottle

Crafters' Wish List: Message in a Bottle

I love this message in a bottle. It's just so cute! However, instead of wearing it as a necklace, this is more like a miniature decoration that can sit nicely on your desk!

But if you're really in the mood for some DIY, add a little ring to it and wear it like a necklace. Find it here.

Custom Personalized Yarn Bowl

Crafters' Wish List: Personalized Yarn Bowl

This personalized yarn bowl is to die for! I love how they made the yarn feed out from one of the letters. This is so creative and makes for such an amazing piece in your craft room.

Purchase one for yourself here.

Knitting and Crochet Gauge Swatch Ruler

Crafters' Wish List: Swatch Ruler

Having a gauge swatch ruler can be so handy! I'm always scrambling to find a ruler when I need it. I've always wanted one of these, so when I made my business card, I actually put in a one-inch square that you can cut out and later on use as a one-inch swatch ruler. Find this swatch ruler here.

Project Bag

Crafters' Wish List: Project Bag

Right now, I'm using this free canvas bag that I got from the mall as my project bag. There are no pockets or anything in the bag that I am currently using and I would LOVE to have a bag that's stylish and functional like the one above.

Stitch Marker Progress Keepers Holder

Crafters' Wish List: Stitch Marker Keepers Holder Pin

Oh goodness! More stitch markers! But this time, it's actually a stitch marker holder. It's not the first time I've shared stuff from Twill and Print, and it probably won't be the last time either.

Their stuff is so beautifully made. This keeper holder has 10 loops that can hold 10 stitch markers. Never lose them again. Find your keeper holder here.

Do you like what you see on my Holiday Wish List? Check out more of my favorites from my Etsy Collections:


MV Grow
