Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
When I started this blog, I was living in a small apartment with two little ones. Life was busy, space was limited, and my love for crafting had to share space with everything else. Over the years, with hard work and saving, we moved into a townhouse—a step up from where we began.

Yet, even now, I don’t have a dedicated yarn room. I've seen beautiful craft rooms filled with colorful yarn, perfectly organized on shelves, and I often think about how wonderful it would be to have a space just for my crochet projects and supplies.

Currently, my desk is in my bedroom, and my computer camera faces the stairs. It’s practical, but far from the inspiring, cozy craft room inspiration you see on Pinterest. Since my job requires occasional virtual meetings, I wanted something more uplifting and fun for my backdrop.

Virtual Backgrounds for Yarn Room
Not sure if you've ever been curious and just searched "clever business cards" or "business card designs" just for the heck of it, but there are some really neat ones out there!

When I was designing my business card, I knew that besides having information to visit my blog, I wanted it to be functional as well! I searched all over the internet for inspiration and decided to go with something crafty to suit my audience's needs!

Did you know that this clever business card design can turn into a mini pompom maker?

How to make pompoms using a business card
Every now and then, the thought of getting business cards pops into my head. But then I think to myself, what am I going to do with them? Who am I going to give them out to?

Then, I had this amazing experience...

Creative Clever Business Card Ideas for crafters
Before I decided I wanted to start a blog, I did quite a bit of research. I came across many blogs that talked about the benefits of blogging and how it's earning them more than a full-time income for their entire family so they can manage to stay at home and/or travel around the world.

Everyone was offering "free email courses" on how to start a money-making blog and making it sound so easy.

The truth is, most of these free email courses are trying to sell website hosting services via affiliate links and that's just a part of how they make part of their "more than full-time income" - through YOU.

When they tell you that you can't build a real blog on a free platform, they're lying. Because that's exactly what I'm doing now.

Website hosting services can cost you anywhere from $3-5 per month for a basic plan. The price is typically lower if you decide to sign up for a longer contract (e.g. 3-years or more). Also, this price is only for your first term. After that, you will have to pay the regular price of $7-8/month.

In the grand scheme of things, it's not a lot of money, but what if you're not even sure if blogging is your thing? Are you just going to throw in a couple hundred dollars and hope for the best?

How to Start a Blog with Almost No Money
Hello World!


MV Grow
