Showing posts with label Planner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planner. Show all posts
Do you remember playing with these reusable sticker books from when you were little? They had these waxy/laminated pages where you could stick and peel off stickers without ruining/ripping them.
I really wanted to get one for BB so that she could have her own sticker collection one day! Right now, she just sticks them on me.
Most sticker pads I've encountered nowadays have the recommended age of 3 and up printed on them. However, from what I've read online, many parents introduced stickers at around 18 months (with supervision, of course) as activities to help build fine motor skills.
I personally love stickers, and couldn't wait to introduce stickers to BB as soon as I felt that she was ready for them. Mui Mui, unfortunately, is still a bit too young to appreciate them.

Christmas is almost here, which is followed by the new year a week later. Every year, I want to make it a goal of mine to start using a planner. I've bought many notebooks and planners in the past, but I always go back to using my smartphone for keeping track of my daily appointments and activities.
Lately, I've been addicted to looking at planners on Instagram. I'm admiring how people spend time decorating their planners. It must be so happy to write in such colorful planners. Unfortunately, I feel too frugal to spend all that money on stickers and washi tape on a planner that I may throw away once the year is over.
More recently, I found this journaling/planner system called Traveler's Notebook. The system is simply a journal cover with an elastic cord inside to hold notebooks and an elastic cord outside to keep it closed.
Midori is a stationery company that has made the Traveler's Notebook system famous. There are now many companies that make them. The ones that I love the most are fauxdoris made by many crafters on Etsy. They're often made using fabric and can have many designs.
However, one thing that really annoyed me about these Traveler's Notebooks was their size. In Canada, we can readily obtain the letter-size paper, which is 8.5" x 11".
When folded in half to make notebooks, it would be 8.5" x 5.5". Standard Traveler's Notebook inserts often are 8.25" x 4.3", which means that I would need to take out my paper trimmer each time I want to make inserts. That's too much work for me.
Therefore, I decided to create my own fauxdori so that I can use standard half-letter-sized notebooks. And because I made it, I'm going to name it Julidori. Feel free to name yours after yourself (yourname-dori)!

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